Changing Lives. Every Day.

The Men of Christian Men's Life Skills learn lifelong lessons and build on their success.
These are a few stories from our almost two decades of ministry to men.
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Chris Roberts

I was raised all over—including Kansas, East Texas, the Hill Country. My dad’s job caused us to move a lot. I got very good grades although I never studied. I have a 179 IQ, so I did not have to work at school. I could just cram for the tests. I would get bored and look for excitement. A lot of my problems seem to stem from this and by overthinking. Despite never studying and getting into trouble, I graduated a year early in 2007.

17 months ago, I was released from jail. I was homeless with only one nickel and a plastic bag with my clothes. With my record I have few options, but I have so many fines to pay that I have to make more money than simply waiting tables. So, I started out with a bicycle and a windshield crack repair kit. I have been off alcohol for 22 months and have worked hard starting my own windshield repair business which serves all types of business and even a school district and county owned vehicles.

The Christian Men’s Job Corps program (now Christian Men’s Life Skills— CMLS) helped me to realize that I can only change myself. I can’t change others.

The program not only helped me as an individual, but also that of my family and our relationship dynamics.

It helped me with my business. I learned things like how to treat employees, how to handle finances, and how to do practical things that I had not expected. I learned how to delegate, I learned tips on how to repair my credit, and how to motivate others. I was not expecting this type of training. Jay Ireland and Joe Castillo are great instructors.

The program is like a brotherhood of men. I am looking forward to attending the Tuesday night 6:15 pm meetings of program alumni. We will need each other, and I look forward to helping others as much as being helped. I like that we pray for each other. It is a special type of camaraderie because of this.

The anger management sessions helped me learn to calm down before taking action, saying something, or making mistakes I will later regret.

Every time I left a meeting, I was in a better mood than when I came to the meeting. It has that effect on me.

The program has taught me to go where I am valued. Its like Einstein said: “If you are a fish and find yourself judged by your ability to climb a tree, you will live out your life thinking you are stupid.”

I have been involved in lots of programs, but this is by far the best. Nothing else compares.

I wish public schools taught the kinds of things I have learned here. Everything I learned in the program was not something I had heard at school.

I especially like the Bible studies. Although I have been in and around churches all my life, these Bible studies apply to daily living.


Darrin Miller

One day, Darrin Miller made the unlikely decision to attend the CMJC program (now the Christian Men’s Life Skills program—CMLS). The reason was, he had seen a “totally amazing transformation” of his dad, DJ Miller, who had recently completed the program.

“At the time, we were often in conflict with each other. If we were in the same room, we would even get into fist fights! Shortly after he got involved in the program, he called me at 3:00am and asked me for forgiveness.“

“I told him, “Hell no” and hung up. He kept trying to reconcile. He never gave up. Then I began to notice a real change in him, and I began to think it was permanent. This change in my dad convinced me to join the program—I wanted whatever it was that he got from that program that changed him in such a dramatic way!”

Darrin says the Bible studies led by men representing different churches really impressed him and made a change in him.

“There is something that goes on there that creates a Christian fraternity between the men in the program. We are there to help each other out. I call it ring power,” said Darrin (referring to the “Iron Sharpens Iron” rings class attendees receive at graduation when they complete the full program).”

One afternoon Darren received an emergency call to come to an important meeting that he had not been informed about until the last minute. As he backed up his car all the brake pads failed. He called, CMLS Director, Tom Jones and within minutes Tom had enlisted some of the men in the program to help. Shortly after, Darrin had a car to use, and someone gave him a credit card to buy gas and food. “That’s what I mean by ring power,” Darrin said.

“This program has helped my whole family. My dad and I have not only restored our relationship, but we have reconciled and are best friends. We now work together as partners in a home remodeling and repair business.

“I am so grateful for this program and what it has meant in my life,” Darrin says.

You might also like to know that Darrin’s dad, DJ Miller, also serves as Assistant Director of Christian Men’s Life Skills

Ryan Brown

“I was attracted to Christian Men’s Job Corps (now Christian Men’s Life Skills) because I wanted parenting skills. I wanted personal contact with wise Godly men rather than to just read something on the Internet.”

“Getting into the program was an answered prayer. My expectations were exceeded,” Ryan said.

Ryan says he was especially helped by the building blocks of life exercise presented by Director, Tom Jones where God is our foundation, then family, then others.”

Ryan says that he is learning that God is a God of restoration. He is restoring parts of my life that I had lost, he says.

Like others who have attended the program, Ryan says he truly values the companionship aspects of a group of men supporting each other. “I have met a man I knew in elementary school and rekindled this friendship, I find that very rewarding,” Ryan says.

Ryan hopes the program can continue and expand to serve many others. It has been invaluable to him he says.

Ryan is a recent graduate of Class 40.